Short CV

I am a postgraduate student of the School of Informatics and Telecommunications of the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus (PAPEI). From the beginning of the studies there is participation in both assignments of demanding functions and smart technologies. Indicatively some of the most basic and at the same time fundamental works in programming languages ​​such as JAVA, C and C # (C Sharp). Also in the middle of studies and longer semesters, courses were held in both Front-End and Back-End Development, such as HTML, CSS, JS in combination with DataBases (MySQL) AND implementation of an online store (e-shop) and also with the use of programming languages ​​such as Python for data analytics and optimization. A version of an Information System (I.S) “MovieFlix” has also been implemented using the Dev Tool, Docker to containarized all the functions of the information system. There is also active participation in the beHEALTHIER project, funded by the European Union for the development of holistic health records.

Personal Research Topics

  • Data Interoperability Services

    Approach to converting health data to HL7 FHIR standard

Research Projects