Yiannis Poulakis

AffiliationResearch Associate
TitlePhD Candidate
ExpertiseAutomated Machine Learning, Optimization, Clustering, Semantic Descriptions

Short CV

Yannis Poulakis is a PhD Candidate at the department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus. He received his postgraduate degree from the department of Statistics and Insurance Science from the same university and his MsC from the department of Digital Systems at Big Data & Analytics. His main interests include Automated Machine Learning, Small Data, Distributed Learning, Clustering and Semantics. His MsC Thesis was on Automated Clustering.

Personal Research Topics

Automated Machine Learning

A representation of applications and resources in a context based way in order to link them semmantically and create mechanisms that extract information and optimize their connections.

Semantic based ontologies for cloud and edge applications

A representation of applications and resources in a context based way in order to link them semmantically and create mechanisms that extract information and matches them respectively .

Research Projects

Scientific Publications

Conference Articles

  1. Y. Poulakis, C. Doulkeridis and D. Kyriazis, “AutoClust: A Framework for Automated Clustering Based on Cluster Validity Indices,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2020, pp. 1220-1225, doi: 10.1109/ICDM50108.2020.00153.