In a national, pan-European, but also international field, our members have the opportunity to collaborate with universities, distinguished IT companies and research centres inside and outside Greece for the creation and implementation of innovative information systems and software mechanisms. We represent years of experience and innovation in IT & telecommunications projects funded by the European Union.
beHEALTHIER aims at the development of innovative mechanisms and services of Integrated Health Data Management in order to use them effectively for the formulation of health policies. The methodology that will be followed in the project will improve the possibilities of utilizing health data through the integration of technologies that will allow their holistic analysis, based on knowledge and experience from similar databases, but also their continuous evolution through integration of new data. This approach can add value to health policy-making by shaping populations with similar characteristics.
beHEALTHIER proposes a process of data collection and management that directly or indirectly relates to the health of the citizen-patient in two (2) stages:
(i) Development of eXtended Health Records (XHRs), which include all health determinants, in order to form a complete picture of the individual. XHRs will include data related to the health of patient-citizens, incorporating not only prevention (eg vaccinations, diet and lifestyle) and care data (primary and secondary) but also additional data identified as determinants of health , such as social security data, environmental data or data from social networks. Thus, an XHR can contain four (4) categories of data: a) subjective health and social data recorded by the patient-citizen and her environment, b) social care data collected by social actors, c) objective data including clinical signs recorded and transmitted in the form of biomarkers by medical devices connected to the individual and / or patient (such as activity trackers, smartwatches, wearables, etc.), and d) health and care data (primary and secondary) including data stored by healthcare professionals.
(ii) Extraction of knowledge from Networks of XHRs (nXHRs). The project will create interconnected XHRs, which will be created based on stored XHRs in cloud computing infrastructure and will function as living entities, enabling automated and continuous exchange of information and knowledge. XHRs will include features such as identifying and disseminating events that affect the citizen-patient, disseminating knowledge and experience, and establishing relationships through interaction and interoperability with other XHRs. This means that XHRs could create fully interoperable ecosystems in an automated way based on various criteria related to lifestyle and potential symptomatology and exchange data and experiences.
All of these will form the basis for the development of Health Policies that will be addressed to organizations and schedules, at the national level, thus highlighting potential risks/ diseases.Infinitech
Infinitech is a joint effort of global leaders in ICT and finance towards lowering the barriers to BigData/ IoT/ AI driven innovation, boosting regulatory compliance, and stimulating additional investments. It will provide:
1) Novel BigData/IoT technologies for seamless management and querying of all types of data (e.g., OLAP/OLTP,
structured/unstructured/semi-structured, data streaming & data at rest), interoperable data analytics, blockchain-based data sharing, real-time analytics, as well as libraries of advanced AI algorithms.2) Regulatory tools incorporating various data governance capabilities (e.g. anonymization, eIDAS integration) and facilitating compliance with regulations (e.g., PSD2, 4AMLD, MIFiD II).
3) Nine novel and configurable testbeds & sandboxes, each one offering Open APIs and other resources for validating autonomous and personalized solutions, including a unique collection of data assets for finance/insurance.
The project’s results will be validated in the scope of 15 high impact pilots providing complete coverage of the sectors, including Know Your Customer (KYC), customer analytics, personalized portfolio management, credit risk assessment, preventive financial crime analysis, fraud anticipation, usage-based insurance, agro-insurance and more.
Infinitech will establish a market platform that will provide access to the project’s solutions, along with a Virtualized Digital Innovation Hub (VDIH) that will support innovators (FinTech/InsuranceTech) in their BigData/ AI/IoT endeavors.
Based on their strong footprint in the European digital finance ecosystem, the partners will engage stakeholders from all EU-28 countries, making INFINITECH synonymous with disruptive BigData/AI innovation in the target sectors.
InteropEHRate aims to support electronic healthcare by opening up new ways and techniques for disposing and sharing health data. To make this possible, health data can be managed by the citizens themselves, and in particular through specific Smart EHR (S-EHR) mobile applications. The data will be transmitted through highly secure channels, including Bluetooth-based (Device-to-Device) communication, while allowing citizens to store their medical data locally on their devices, following the HTTP protocol (Remote-to-Device). InteropEHRate will develop open communication protocols that support the patient-centered exchange of health records among patients, healthcare providers and researchers. Thus, the project will contribute to the preparation of an open European format and to the general process of exchanging electronic health record data. InteropEHRate is funded by the European Union for 42 months and is implemented by a consortium of experienced institutions and specialized scientists. InteropEHRate participants represent healthcare solution providers, hospitals, universities and research centers, as well as European and local stakeholder associations.
CYBELE generates innovation and creates value in the domain of agri-food, and its verticals in the sub-domains of PA and PLF in specific, as demonstrated by the real-life industrial cases to be supported, empowering capacity building within the industrial and research community. Since agriculture is a high volume business with low operational efficiency, CYBELE aspires at demonstrating how the convergence of HPC, Big Data, Cloud Computing and the IoT can revolutionize farming, reduce scarcity and increase food supply, bringing social, economic, and environmental benefits. CYBELE intends to safeguard that stakeholders have integrated, unmediated access to a vast amount of large scale datasets of diverse types from a variety of sources, and they are capable of generating value and extracting insights, by providing secure and unmediated access to large-scale HPC infrastructures supporting data discovery, processing, combination and visualization services, solving challenges modelled as mathematical algorithms requiring high computing power. CYBELE develops large scale HPC-enabled test beds and delivers a distributed big data management architecture and a data management strategy providing 1) integrated, unmediated access to large scale datasets of diverse types from a multitude of distributed data sources, 2) a data and service driven virtual HPC- enabled environment supporting the execution of multi-parametric agri-food related impact model experiments, optimizing the features of processing large scale datasets and 3) a bouquet of domain specific and generic services
on top of the virtual research environment facilitating the elicitation of knowledge from big agri-food related data, addressing the issue of increasing responsiveness and empowering automation-assisted decision making, empowering the stakeholders to use resources in a more environmentally responsible manner, improve sourcing decisions, and implement circular-economy solutions in the food chain.BigDataStack
BigDataStack introduces a pioneering technique for seamless analytics which analyses data in a holistic fashion across multiple data stores and locations, handling analytics on both data in flight and at rest. Complemented with an innovative CEP running in federated environments for real-time, cross-stream processing, predictive algorithms and process mining, BigDataStack offers a complete suite for big data analytics.
BigDataStack holistic solution incorporates approaches for data-focused application analysis and dimensioning, and process modelling towards increased performance, agility and efficiency. A toolkit allowing the specification of analytics tasks in a declarative way, their integration in the data path, as well as an adaptive visualization environment, realize BigDataStack’s vision of openness and extensibility5G TANGO
Telecommunications networks are a critical infrastructure for economic growth and social well-being. However, previous-generation networks will not be able to meet future needs and the continuously increasing, diverse sets of users, applications, services, and requirements, which call for network administrators to transform them. At the core of this transformation lies the development of infrastructures based on the concepts of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN). The 5GTANGO project proposes a flexible approach to 5G network programming that focuses on the following:
i) a Service Development Kit (SDK) for application development, ii) a repository with advanced validation mechanisms for network services, and iii) a service platform that bridges the gap between business requirement management systems and network management systems.
It proposes the implementation of a vendor-independent platform where the output of the application development environment (which will be an NFV graph) will be automatically validated in the repository, allowing its deployment in the virtualized network infrastructure and orchestration with mechanisms compatible with existing Virtual Infrastructure Managers (VIM) and SDN controllers.
This integrated ecosystem for service implementation and deployment essentially implements an NFV DevOps model between service developers, network administrators, and applications, enhancing performance and enabling the implementation and validation of new services that support the adoption of NFV technologies. The 5GTANGO system will be tested in two pilot cases: factory environments and multimedia. The project will promote collaboration with standardization bodies such as ETSI NFV or IETF, as well as open-source communities like OSM and Open-O. Additionally, the 5GTANGO project aims to collaborate with other initiatives within the 5G-PPP program.
Today’s rich digital information environment is characterized by the multitude of data sources providing information that has not yet reached its full potential in eHealth. CrowdHEALTH will introduce a new paradigm of Holistic Health Records (HHRs) that include all health determinants. HHRs will be transformed into Social HHRs communities capturing the clinical, social and human context of the population segmentation and as a result the collective knowledge for different factors depending on the communities’ formulation criteria. To this context, CrowdHEALTH will deliver a secure integrated ICT platform that seamlessly integrates big data technologies across the complete data path, providing Data as a Service (DaaS) to the health ecosystem stakeholders, as well as to the health policies’ makers, achieving a “health in all policies” approach. Creation and co-creation (cross-domain) of policies will be feasible through a rich toolkit, which will be provided on top of the DaaS, incorporating mechanisms for causal and risk analysis, as well as for compilation of predictions, creating multi-modal targeted policies addressing various evolving risks that will be realized from each different population segmentation. Furthermore, CrowdHEALTH will facilitate policies evaluation and optimization through adaptive and incremental visualizations of simulations and outcomes of evidence based analysis of prevention strategies.
ATMOSPHERE (Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure Privacy-assuring Hybrid, Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing) is a 24-month project aiming at the design and development of an ecosystem of a framework, platform and application of next generation trustworthy cloud services on top of an intercontinental hybrid and federated resource pool. The framework considers a broad spectrum of properties and their measures. The platform supports the building, deployment, measuring and evolution of trustworthy cloud resources, data networks and data services. The platform is demonstrated in a sensitive scenario to build a cloud-enabled secure and trustworthy application related to distributed telemedicine.
The vision of MATILDA is to design and implement a holistic 5G end-to-end services operational framework tackling the lifecycle of design, development and orchestration of 5G-ready applications and 5G network services over programmable infrastructure, following a unified programmability model and a set of control abstractions.